A Very Special Day

Patricia Hendricks Shihan, Sensei of Aikido San Leandro
and CAA Division 1 Head,
graced us with her amazing presence and teaching.

Students from our dojo and hers came together for a day of training and celebration of Kagami Biraki.
We were also pleased to welcome Elaine Yoder (CAA President).

We had some fun Embukai (public demonstrations)

The black belts of ACC:  YouTube link

Noah and Carla (transitions between all 10 kumijo) YouTube Link

Black belts for ASL lead by Akemi YouTube Link

Here are some more photos and videos

We had a special weapons randori class for the black belts.
There were 15 of us on the mat in groups of 3.

Hendricks Sensei demonstrated what she wanted us to do, a few moves at a time.

Hendricks Shihan demonstrates with Noah and Laurence  YouTube Link

Here are some of those triads:

Nick, Thomas and Roberta

Brian, Ozer and Blaine

Elaine, Noah and Laurence