General Information

In Wah Dojo in Concord
Tuesday and Thursday nights at 7:30

At St. Mark’s Lutheran Church, Pleasant Hill (in the large social hall in the rear)
Wednesday nights 7:00 to 9:00 (we do weapons on those nights so you need to bring them. You are not required to wear a gi.

In Wah Dojo in Concord
Weapons practice on Saturdays at noon. When there are seminars and such on a Saturday, we don’t generally have class. See the calendar page for details. You are not required to wear a gi.

For more information:
Please call Carla Garrett 925.708.6527 or

Email me aikidocontracosta at (use regular email format) or use our Contact form.

Also read, print, sign and bring the Waiver. You can download them as follows

ACC Waiver w Photo

ACC Waiver w Photo Child

Carla Garrett

Sandan (3rd degree black belt)
Chief Instructor

Please see also our events page for  upcoming events.

For map for all both locations see below: Church, Dojo