Upcoming Events
We are honored to host Louis Jumonville, Shihan for Tai Sai on Thursday night April 24. Details and flyer coming soon.
Aikido San Leandro (Monthly Weapons Seminar)
ASL has a monthly weapons seminar in person at ASL or on Zoom, one weekend (Saturday and Sunday) per month. It’s $30 for each day or $55 for both days. Classes are 8:30 to 9:30 and 10:00 to 11:00 each day.
Next seminar is April 12 and 13. Link to register.
2025 Events
Another Special Kagami Biraki Celebration
Patricia Hendricks Shihan, Sensei of Aikido San Leandro and CAA Division 1 Head, graced us with her inspiring teaching.
Students from our dojo and hers came together for a day of training and celebration.
2024 Events
August Happenings
Dave Kohls of Aikido of Arlington Getting Ready To Do His Yondan Demo
Dave with fellow Aikido of Arlington students Roger, Vlad and Bard. Along with two of ACC students Jennifer and Gil
Our Dojo at ASL Celebrating Nick and Jennifer Getting Their Certificates
On Saturday, August 24, during the semi-annual training at ASL, Nick and Jennifer received their certificates.
Nick got his Sandan. Jennifer got her Shodan.
Yvonne Sensei from Washington DC Teaches Class
On Thursday, August 22, Yvonne Sensei and 4 of her students (Dave, Roger, Vlad and Bard) came to our dojo. We practiced with them and helped Dave prepare for his Yondan demo. Two of our students also will be part of Dave’s demo at ASL on Saturday August 24.
An Amazing Time Was Had by All!
From February 23 through the 27, we had a series of impressive events.
See the Galleries pages for photos of these events:
- Nick took Sandan at ASL on Friday February 23
- 4oth Anniversary Celebration at ASL on Saturday February 24
- Jennifer took Shodan at our dojo on February 27. We also celebrated Nick’s Sandan, Brian,and Gil’s Nidans and Jennifer’s Shodan. Potluck followed.