Learn Basic Aikido Terms

Aikido uses Japanese words to describe the techniques. Learning these will make your progress in Aikido much faster. The table below shows three examples.

  1. Shomen uchi ikkyo omote waza
  2. Munetsuki kotegaishi
  3. Kata dori nikkyo ura waza

You can download a handout (two pages or print double sided) that will help you understand the way these terms are used.

You can download a handout with the names of the suburi (bokken and jo)

For a more extensive list see these links




Shomen (head)Uchi (strike)Ikkyo (first)Omote (to the front) waza (technique)
Mune (middle)Tsuki (punch or thrust)Kote (wrist)gaishi (reverse)
Kata (shoulder)dori (grab)Nikkyo (second)ura (to the rear or behind)waza