Welcome to Aikido Contra Costa

Come train with us! We love having new students!

For location and other important information, see our

Info/Contact page

We range in age from 15 to 74

As you can see, we have:
• Beginners
• Students with kyu (white belt) ranks
• Several black belts

Feel free to call, email or text Chief Instructor Carla 
(see contract info at the bottom of the page).

May Happenings

Special Guest Instructor from Finland – May 28

Otava Piha taught an invigorating class showing some of her style of Aikido from Finland. Otava is a Sandan who trains in two dojos in Helsinki as well as with Patricia Hendricks here in the Bay Area at ASL.

She recently submitted her PhD dissertation (she is in the law faculty) in Finland. She then presented her research at a conference in Vancouver before coming to the Bay Area to train at ASL.

Otava spent a large part of her childhood in Brussels where her dad was working and then attended university at Cambridge.

Congrats to John and Danny on Excellent Tests on May 16

John tested for 6th Kyu

Danny tested for 5th Kyu

February Amazing Weekend

See below for links to the Gallery pages for the photos and videos.

Link to Nick’s Sandan test

Link to Jennifer’s Shodan test

Link FB page where the ASL 40th Anniversary Demos are